Mozart Clarinet Quintet: Theme and Variations Finale
As a young teenager, I went to a chamber music concert with my grandparents in a local church. They were trying to encourage my unexpected, growing interest in classical music. Some Mozart was on the program, I think it was the clarinet quintet, but I honestly can't remember. During the intermission, in the bathroom, I overheard two grey-haired men have a conversation something like this. "Great concert." "Yes, beautiful." "Eighteenth century music is my favorite. Of course there is some incredible nineteenth century music too, but I prefer the eighteenth century." "Sure." "I can't stand twentieth century music, though." "No, it's just not music." My awkward adolescent self was uncomfortable with the idea that I was joining this snobbish, absurdly conservative social scene through my unusual adolescent interest in classical music. At that point in my life I was still, to be honest, not really sure what I was list...